David Adès was born in Adelaide of Egyptian Jewish parents. He is a poet and short story writer. He has travelled widely and lived in Israel, India, Greece and the United States.
In 1979 a housemate took him to his first Friendly Street meeting. He attended for several years before having the nerve to read his own work. He later became a Friendly Street regular.
David’s first published poem appeared in 1988 in the No. 12 Friendly Street Poetry Reader. His poems have since appeared in many subsequent Friendly Street Readers and in numerous Australian and U.S. literary magazines and have also been published in Rumania, New Zealand, England and Israel.
David’s poems have been read on the Australian radio poetry program Poetica and have also featured on the U.S. radio poetry program Prosody. He is one of 9 poets featured on a CD titled "Adelaide 9". Between 2011 and 2015 David participated in the Hemingway’s Summer Poetry Readings in Pittsburgh. Recordings of his readings (and that of many other poets) can be found at http://hemingwayspoetryseries.blogspot.com.
Together with Ioana Petrescu, David co-edited the Friendly Street Poetry Reader 26. In 2012 he was one of the volunteer editors of the Australian Poetry Members Anthology Metabolism.
David is a former Convenor of Friendly Street Poets. His manuscript Mapping the World was selected as the winner, by judge Rob Johnson, in the SINGLE POET publishing competition. The book was launched by Mike Ladd at Writers’ Week at the Adelaide Festival of Arts in 2008 and was later commended for the Fellowship of Australian Writers Anne Elder Award 2008. A chapbook Only the Questions Are Eternal was published in 2015. A new collection Afloat in Light is scheduled for publication by UWA Publishing in May 2017.
David’s story ‘Dancing With Etti’ won the Wirra Wirra Vineyards Short Story Prize in 2005. His recent speculative fiction stories have appeared in online journals Antipodean SF, Bewildering Stories and The Zodiac Review.
In 2014 David won the University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor’s International Poetry Prize with his poem 'Dazzled' and was shortlisted for the Newcastle Poetry Prize. In 2015 one of his poems was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Other poems have since been highly commended for the Bruce Dawe National Poetry Prize and a finalist in the Dora and Alexander Raynes Poetry Prize.
